Monday, August 17, 2009

The Internet, The web and Electronic Commerce


Is a programmed which process information that directs the text format on the screen and is generally hidden from the user. HTML is the seperation of a broader language which it called Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML) which is a system where it encode and formating the documents. From there, it will actually format what it is suppose too and show it on the screen.

It determine certain text which will be shown on the display page. Another important tag is a link, which may contain the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of another document. The URL can be consider as an address which the user use to browse to the internet.


Jawascript enables novice programmers to easily design webpages and add interactive feature. Mainly it is a application which runs in the screen when your pointer move to the application. Simply nothing but to make the webpage to look nicer and much more simple for new user who wanted to scroll on things.


A single program which run a single task on a large application. A small application, such as a utility program or limited-function spreadsheet or word processor. Java programs that are run from the browser are always known as applets. An application which will comes pop-ing down when you point your mouse on the application.


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